Throw a Ya-Ya Sisterhood Luncheon

Throw a Ya-Ya Sisterhood Luncheon

Updated 21 June 1999. URL is
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Ladies Who Lunch and Read

   ne of the joys of living in a small city is getting together with friends who have all read the same book, to talk about it. Each month, a different member picks a book for us all to read, and talks a little or a lot about it and the author. We all discuss it. Sometimes we have other topics. Once we all brought in unusual magazines that we liked. At the first meeting I attended, Maureen spoke about Beatrix Potter. She brought her Potter collection and showed a biographical video from PBS. A high school teacher comes each summer to tell about her travels and travails. Another guest brought her family keepsakes from a Russian ancestor who was friends with the last Czar’s family. We learned about this woman’s life in America, and how well she adapted to losing her wealth after the revolution.

Our book club was so inspired by this month’s topic, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells, that some of the women put on a luncheon based on foods in the book.

ach guest had roses at her place setting, as well as a white embroidered white handkerchief tied around lavender.
ven the table settings carried out the floral, southern theme.

     aureen had gone to the big city to buy hard rolls for our bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. In deference to the 90s she included light mayonnaise as well as the 1950’s kind, and turkey bacon for those avoiding cholesterol. A truly 50’s pickle dish made the rounds, along with pitchers of pink lemonade and the most southern drink of all, iced tea.

ot made tiny melt-in-your-mouth pecan tarts, while Maryann brought wicked brownies. We got all caught up on the activities of our guests, while Susanne showed us a curiosity, a collapsible hat which doubles as a fan, a gift from Bermuda.

ane, our hostess, assisted by her husband and by Maureen who cooked and made the table favors, decorated the tables with more posies. See these beautiful bouquets!


     ane was our hostess, and that in itself was nostalgic, since club had taken to meeting at the Rittenhouse Restaurant since the children grew up.

     wo guests came to the luncheon. Do you recognize your school librarian, the woman who got so many of us hooked on books?

     he closest Barbara and Sandra will ever come to drinking Four Roses.

     unniest thing, we actually got around to discussing this entertaining book. Some of the women identified with the Catholic School parts, and all of us identified with the friendships and sisterhood among the Ya-Ya friends. We decided that many club members had that kind of friendship, since they had been meeting regularly since they had little babies, and now some of the children are married. (This writer only moved here and joined the book club ten years ago. I also couldn’t get the book from our library in time for the meeting. That happens in small towns!)

     nd so we bid a fond farewell until the next month.

You are encouraged to bookmark this page. Give a Ya-Ya Sisterhood luncheon for all your friends who like to read. Maybe you’ll decide to start a book club!

Links Out

Book club member Suzanne Miller wrote an incredibly wonderful account of a salad
You can wander in the index of the Bluffton pages and Nostalgia pages
Normally we have book club at the Rittenhouse Restaurant
You could sleep in an historic bed and breakfast here in Bluffton, and have a great breakfast.
You can read the cover of the magazine and pick some other topic.
You can see area auction items on An Ellenberger Auction


Opinions expressed in Our Tentative Times are solely those of each writer, and probably do not reflect the opinions of anyone else. From time to time even the writers change their opinions. Several of us are of two minds about some things. Sometimes we even report on news without having even one teensy opinion about the subject, but that’s rare. We’re not responsible for chages of location, dates or performers that occur without our being informed of such. Always check before leaving home. Do not consume Nostalgia magazine oftener than thrice a day. Floss regularly. Never ever litter.

Send all additions and corrections to Sandra Weinhardt at [email protected]