The Cowslingers

    Updated 6 May 1998     URL is
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The Cowslingers play Legends Sports Bar

Bobby Latina, guitar.

Bobby Latina and Greg Miller (vocals) before the show.

Leo doing his sound check.

Ken Miller (bass guitar) and Leo P. Love before the show. The band had a wreck last time they tried to drive home from Fort Wayne. They lost everything they had with them. Thanks for coming back a second time, Cowslingers.

Greg Miller getting wild. And then everybody danced naked. No no no, Joe Andersen keeps writing that in my notes. Not everybody danced naked. Otto saw nobody dancing naked, not even at the bachelor party

Ken and Greg and Bobby all were wildmen on stage. Poor Leo was stuck on the drum seat, but was able to strip down the earliest of any of them. Cooler. Their clothes are wild too.

Otto isn’t clear on what he was hearing, but he loved it. High energy, that’s what we need to keep this planet spinning. The Cowslingers won’t let it slow down! Love, love, LOVE this band.

Please visit the Cowslingers own home page by clicking on drummer Leo P. Love in the tee shirt picture above.

Meanwhile, Happy Bob Seger’s Birthday, 6 May.

And now, back to Otto’s index of music pages

Contact these Cowslingers at PO Box 771101, Lakewood OH 44107

Chastize Otto’s lapses of memory via [email protected]. Otto’s father-in-law is in the hospital with a heart rate of 165 and Otto is distractivated.

The opinions expressed by the writers in Our Tentative Times do not represent the opinions of the sponsors, advertisers, publisher, man in the street, the peacock lobby, pundits, the Blue Moon Boys, researchers, Destination Detox, graduate students, Those Legendary Shack Shakers, tuna fishermen, The Red Ball Jets, Crowbar, drugstore cowboys, The Chronics, The Deans, or any governmental, educational. fraternal, patriotic or recreational organization. They are just the writers’ opinions.

Be sure to appreciate our sponsor, Parlorcity Internet without which Otto would be silence and darkness.

You may write to Our publisher, Terry Miller, at [email protected]

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For comments and your additions, write to Sandra Weinhardt, [email protected]

   people plan to dance nekkid at the next Cowslingers show.