Soul Mine, a Fort Wayne Band

Soul Mine, a Fort Wayne Band

         Updated4 August 1998. URL is
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See SOUL MINE on September 11 at Checkers!!!

For booking information call either Artie at 219-422-3032 or Chris at 219-422-3459.

Our Tentative Times discovered SOUL MINE by accident, checking in at Legends to see what was shakin’. What a treat. This band has a terrible name for a rock band, unless it’s some allusion that flew over my head. Don’t be confused. Soul Mine rocks and it rolls. Hear them on the new compliation CD from Extreme 96.3. Their song will be either "Prodigal Son" or "Justice."

I’d like to see this band at Peanuts, for sure. It would be a treat at the Dash-In and Columbia Street West and at the Sportsman. I hope we won’t have to wait long for more music from SOUL MINE. (Thanks to a fan for catching my errors….)

Thanks to "Innocent Bystander" who provided Otto with all my band information and misinformation for this page, and a special hello to MaChelle Taylor, who wrote how much she hoped to see this page born.

Artie’s his name; he’s from Fort Wayne. He’s the lead singer, keyboardist, and the driving force in Soul Mine. There should have been hundreds of girls/women/groupies/fans swarming the dance floor that night, but SOUL MINE was up against a powerful lot of competition, and August is the slowest month in the Fort Wayne night spots. Artie and the band stayed cheerful and never slacked off. Artie has charisma, but no last name. Mysterious, intriguing, and if this weren’t mostly a family magazine, I’d say a lot more.    

On guitar, Chris Fish has taken lessons from Jerry Ferrington of The Buck Brothers (blues/jazz/ roots.) Chris had his own band when he was away in the army. Chris, please tell MaChelle that she can’t receive email until she downloads what she has waiting; MCI is returning the e-mail I send her. 8-20-98

Otto didn’t know many songs but one must have been "Cult of Personality" and one original was about "will I ever see the sun again." Then he said they were doing an old Van Halen one, "Panama." We need a music reviewer; I can only tell what I saw and what the crowd wore. Volunteers??

They also did an original called "Good Time Blues" and covered L.A. Woman (unless that song is named Mojo Rising.) Their last song was Stone Temple Pilots’ "Wicked Garden" but we made them do an encore. One of the encore songs was about "breathe in, breathe out." (Otto is always delighted when we can make out even four words in a song.) Oh, and a Smashing Pumpkins, "Something Old."

Drummer John Moss also teaches drums here in Fort Wayne.

John Moss.

Matt Studebaker works in retail, but that’s all I could learn about him. He did go to school at Fort Wayne Northside with the other band members. Artie may not be a Northsider. "Innocent Bystander" couldn’t remember where Artie went to school.

You don’t want to hear how hard it is to get clear pics under Legend’s artful lighting, do you? Not again! So just enjoy the rest of these pictures of SOUL MINE at Legends on Friday, July 31, 1998.

Art In Motion

Here you go, MaChelle, three of the four, in action. Hard to catch drummers in a group shot. Wish you could have been there. See you September 11 at Checkerz!!

Checkerz is at 1706 West Till Road, Fort Wayne, phone (219) 489-0286. Big dance floor, full service menu, full service alcohol, takes credit cards. Directions: Off Lima Road, NORTH of White Swan Plaza, turn west onto Till Road, I think. It’s close by the Harley Davidson shop. Checkerz was once known as Tillie’s. Thanks to WhatzUp? for this nightspot info. Otto hopes to be able to find Checkerz.

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      3 August 1998