Park Cemetery 9-2000 James Dean
Updated 18 October 2000 URL is /2kmemore/2kceme.html
If you are stuck in a frame at another site, click on this line to break free.At the Cemetery
Click on the picture to see two large pictures of the 2000 gravesite One is 40 KB and the first is 51 KB. That page will link back to this paragraph.
There are white-painted stones to write your messages on, so people will respect the headstone itself. Here are two visitors from England or the Netherlands…. I will find my notes, or they will write to me
Saleh and Sue send greetings to family and friends abroad.
It’s painful to watch Armando Cantu struggle with the huge camera on uneven ground. After placing his traditional saddle arrangement on Jimmy’s stone, Nikki stayed extra long to accomodate Armando.
Maxine Rowland of Ohio and Tom Burghuis of Michigan.
Next page
The next page has more fans and the flowers on 9-30-2000
The previous page is the memorial service at the Meeting House
Here’s the link back to the index page for the 2000 James Dean Festival in Fairmount.
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This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to me at [email protected]
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The contents of this page (but not the links to outside resources of course) are the property of Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved.