Magdalin Leonardo

Magdalin Leonardo

     Updated 7 December 2001 URL is
About the author, Magdalin Leonardo
Magdalin with James Dean’s star at his birthplace in Marion Indiana. The House of Seven Gables is just a parking lot now, but this star placed by the Marion Quarterbacks Club on September 30, 1998, helps you locat it at 4th and McClure.Magdalin’s just mad about Marfa. She’s also mad about Dean fans–in fact, she’s writing a book about them! So if you’re a Dean fan with an interesting story to tell — or if you’re just plain interesting — send her an email at [email protected]’s previous article for Deaners magazine is on-line here. "In Search of a Legend in New York," is a fan-filled account of the 1997 James Dean Walking Tour in New York City. David Loehr of the James Dean Gallery usually hosts the walking tour, but this year it was called off. We hope it goes off as scheduled in 1999.Magdalin will be at the James Dean Festival in Fairmount, Indiana on the weekend of September 25-26, 1998. Then it’s back to New York and the world of advertising, as well as back to the James Dean book she is writing. If you are at the festival, look for Magdalin at the James Dean Gallery, or leave a message with Sandra or Mark outside at Mark Kinnaman’s James Dean art sales table.Marfa pages are:

All text and images © 1998 Magdalin Leonardo.

Links to Deaner PagesMagdalin Leonardo’s recounting of David Loehr’s 1997 New York City James Dean Walk is in Deaners now.Want to go to the often-changing James Dean Deaner Index?You can go to the cover of Our Tentative Times any time.Logo graphics © copyright 1997 by Mark K. Kinnaman, artist to the fans.Dean Archivist David Loehr’s James Dean Memorial Gallery has its own website!

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