James Dean Night Walk, Fairmount 1999
Updated 2 November 1999 1999. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/99fest/ntwalk.html
If you are stuck in a frame at another site, click on this line to break free1999 James Dean Walk
Late Night in Fairmount, Indiana
This downtown brick wall used to be a shop window where Jimmy posed for a photo.Each year on the night after the Memorial Service, September 30th, we walk the streets of Fairmount stopping at all the places significant to James Dean. This year we didn’t have an official tour guide like Brenda Graham or Maxine Rowland or Greg Swenson. We didn’t have Japanese lanterns with candles in them. We didn’t have a souvenir. We had Mark Kinnaman and Sandra Weinhardt trying to remember all the points to make on the walk, and we had a pretty good time. The mood was rather subdued, because the Memorial Service that day had been sobering. Thanks to David Loehr and Greg Swenson and Lenny for all the souveniers of the past years. We owe you!
I didn’t take very many pictures this year. Most of the other stops are on the pages for the 1998 and 1997 night walk. See below for those links.
Here are some more scenes at the famous window that isn’t there
The music shop downtown, with a secret Morrissey legend to learn. Go there and ask!
The Friends Meeting from which Jimmy was buried:
Moving right along, we reached the Fairmount Historical Society Museum
Here are 18 of us. Some walkers had dropped out from fatigue, including Brad and Lady Reynolds, owners of The Legend Diner, downtown.
Another failed attempt to correct red-eye…. Maybe this page should be called Famous Photography Failures.At the Palace
Here are Mary Ann Michna and Donovan Wilson with a friendly Fairmount fellow.Fairmount High School
Ann Warr is campaigning to save Fairmount High School from total destruction. Contact her at the Fairmount Historical Museum. Here are some thumbnail pictures of the high school. You can click on each one to see the big picture. I took these in the daylight, for on the nightwalk, not too much shows up. These are sad to view.
Call For Volunteer Photographers
If you have clear, sharp photos from the night walk to share, send a few to me at Sandra Weinhardt, P.O. Box 214, Bluffton, Indiana, 46714. Or email me at [email protected]
Be sure to include a return address if you want the photos back, and maybe make a note of your name on the back of each picture, so I’ll send the right ones back…. I misplace a lot of addresses and photos.If you will read these older pages, you’ll get a much better feel for the Night Walk mystique:
The 1998 Night Walk
The 1997 Night Walk
See the complete listing of DEANERS 1999 festival pages here
Contents of the entire, humongous DEANERS e-zine.
This page made by the redhead, Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to her at [email protected]
and be **sure** to include which **exact** page you refer to. I won’t know otherwise.
The contents of this page (but not the links to outside resources of course) are ©copyright 1999 by Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved.