James Dean Memorial Service Speakers, 9-30-2004
Updated October 10, 2004
URL is www.tentativetimes.net/04mem/speakers.htmlJames Dean Memorial Service
(Fairmount Museum Days)
September 30, 2004
Fairmount, IndianaIn the sanctuary we heard from Tom Berghuis of Michigan, Phil Zeigler and Bob Pulley from Fairmount, Indiana, Christine White of Washington, D.C. and Nicky Bazooka from wherever the wind blows him.
The Little Brown Church in the Vale
Home Sweet Home
Sweet Adeline
Back Home Again In Indiana
The Missouri Waltz (for Phil Zeigler)
Love Me Tender
Somewhere My Love
Hymn of Joy (Beethoven’s 9th)
Amazing Grace
When The Saints Go Marching In
Goin’ Home (Dvorak)Postlude——–
Auld Lang Syne
Blest Be The Tie That BindsMattie Sellers played the organ at the beginning and end of the speeches. Her husband is recovering from hip replacement surgery, so send them a card if you know them!
Christine White returned from Washington, D.C., to share more memories of her days with Jimmy in New York City.
Tom Berghuis of Michigan organized and led the ritual parts of the memorial service and cemetery ceremonies. This year he suggested we sing Auld Lang Syne as we left the Meeting House, especially for anyone who may not be able to return in 2005.
Bob Pulley told more fun boyhood adventures with Jimmy, including dragging the algae out of the Winslow swimming pond by pushing a telephone pole across the top of the water. How many kids today would be willing to work that hard to swim?
Phil Zeigler read several moving passages that related to James Dean’s life and legend.
This is the first year Nicky hasn’t brought a scarf with his flowers. He gave the scarves to Adeline Nall, and after she passed he brought a few more. Everything changes, but nothing else about Nicky Bazooka changes. He’s as dependable as the sunrise.
Now that we have met Albert from Bat-Yam in Israel, I hope he can bring us his perspective on James Dean the next time he comes to Fairmount.
See the next page, at the cemetery
The 2004 Memorial Introduction page
The 2004 Festival Introduction pagewww.Deaners.net
These pages are made by Sandra Weinhardt. Email me at [email protected]
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