James Dean Fans, June 3, 2005. DeanFest, Marion Indiana, page 1

James Dean Fans, June 3, 2005. DeanFest, Marion Indiana, page 1

logo  Updated 15 July 2005   URL is www.tentativetimes.net/junefest/airport1.html

Fans at Deanfest 6-2005, page 1 — at the Airport

Our man from Dallas, Bob Reese in white shirt, has published more articles about James Dean (28) in major magazines, than any other writer.  His website link is below.  The lady in the pink sweater won the dance contests al the 2004 James Dean Days in Fairmount.  Link is below

Two James Dean Remembered fan club members.  Writer Pamela Des Barres (in hat) from Los Angeles was glad to see Debbie Collinson who came all the way from England for the Marion Airport DeanFest. 

image  Teresita Gonzalez, Illinois, on the right with another Dean fan, at the fan club booth at the airport.    

Our awesome fan booth at the airport.  President Pam Crawford got us a space, Teresita, Sue and Pam kept it going.  We all got exhausted beyond describing.  But it was great to meet all of you!
(Fan club info on-line here at www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/index.html )



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image  This car, now repainted to Budweiser, was in the car show full sized.  The keg under the hood dispenses root beer.  This is too cool for words!


image  Ladies of the Royal Order of the Tap.  (There are no beer trucks at the Fairmount shindig, but the American Legion and the local pub have festive drinks.)

Want to see page two of the Friday Airport pictures?



Link to pictures of David Loehr’s James Dean Gallery and Museum:

Link to the Fan Club:  James Dean Remembered fan club, www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/

Bob Reese has a website at http://web.lconn.com/mysterease/

From the Fairmount High School Class of a long time ago, deaners.net brings you the spiffiest dancers to grace our Fairmount Bank parking lot contest site.  See the dance contest for 2003

image  Free, 30,000 people and 1500 cars…See you there!  It’s free, it’s annual, there is no charge for the movies or to enter the area or whatever.  Only fee is if you enter your car in the car show.  Free for all contestants in dance contest and lookalike contests.  Gratis.  Experienced festival providers with enormous experience giving their all to the fans.  Free.   Come to Fairmount, Indiana  for The Real Thing.  It’s free.

Webmistress, writer, photographer and editor: Sandra Weinhardt, [email protected] , creator of http://www.deaners.net/  and www.tentativetimes.net