James Dean Fans in Gas City, David Loehr’s Gallery/Museum
Updated September 29, 2004
URL is www.tentativetimes.net/04fest/04davids.htmlFans at David Loehr’s
Awesome new Gallery/Museum
just off I-69, Gas City, Indiana
James Dean Festival
(Fairmount Museum Days)
September 24-26, 2004Scenes Seen in the Gift Shop
There is a fine four-piece set of luggage with James’s face on all of it, available from David Loehr’s Gallery gift shop. He can ship it to you. Three pieces fit inside the largest, shown here. My pages on David’s site begin at www.tentativetimes.net/dean/gallery/index.html
Yes, he does smile, a lot in fact. And he will send us a web link to his site. He has a sporting goods store since he closed his drive-in movie theatre.
Nothing can go wrong on the days you wear a Jimmy tee-shirt!
NOW GOto the second page of fan folks, the entrance to the Gallery where those funny ladies set up the bake sale and the membership desk.
Click here to jump to the 2004 1950’s style dance contest
Click here to go to the index for the 2004 James Dean Festival pageswww.Deaners.net
David Loehr’s website lives at www.jamesdeangallery.com
Lenny’s website is www.tentativetimes.net/lenny/These 2004 Festival pages are made by amateur Sandra Weinhardt. Email me at [email protected]
Be sure to give me the URL (page address) you refer to because otherwise I can’t find anything.
All errors are my own; I take pride in making fewer and fewer each year. Be gentle.