James Dean Fan Appreciation Weekend, picnic 2005

James Dean Fan Appreciation Weekend, picnic 2005

logoUpdated August 8, 2005  URL is www.tentativetimes.net/05fan/picnic.html

2005 James Dean Fan Club’s
Appreciation Picnic


Twenty years ago, the James Dean Remembered fan club held its last known picnic for the fans.  This year we revived the tradition.  Anyone who came to the Gallery, whether they had seen the picnic notices or not, was invited to eat all they could hold, plus seconds and thirds. 

The Road Rockets ran two grills outside, turning out huge juicy cheeseburgers.  Thanks, men!  Inside in the air conditioning we had tables and chairs and all the side dishes and trimmings.  Brownies, chocolate cake, grasshopper cake, slaw, salads, a grape salad made with  cream cheese (and some secret ingredients.)  Beverages, pickles and chips galore, with dips. Hot scalloped potatoes. Bright red, juicy ripe sliced tomatoes. The napkins, plates and tableware made for a tidy food frenzy.  We ate all afternoon! 

Vice President Sue was away at Adam’s U.S. Army basic training parents’ weekend.  Linda LeVine, Teresita Gonzales and Sandra Weinhardt filled in.  President Pam made her famous Southern Baked Beans and Phil Zeigler brought hamburger patties in a tomato sauce.

Don’t know where my mind went during the picnic.  I didn’t take any pictures, except for my husband getting all the car shots.  So look at what the fan club did with our raffle, by which we desperately try to raise money to buy the colored ink for the Dean Zine, our world-class fan magazine put out by President Pam.  (Pam Crawford, Little Rock, Arkansas.) 

image You can buy this rubbing of James Dean’s star in Hollywood, or any other star, from http://walkoffameart.com/  where Paul Price showcases his work!  Thank you Paul, for letting us raffle this stunner. 

 image     image Mike won the poster he is looking at in the picture above.  Almost everyone won a prize, and Steve Vodde  won most of the silent auction prizes.  Linda LeVine captured Barbara Beale’s book of James Dean doll costumes… Very very cool! ( Her website is www.jamesdeanadventures.com )  
A silent auction consists of laying out the donated items with a sign-up sheet for each choice.  There is a minimum bid as the starting point.  Each person signs the page below the previous bidder, raising the price each time.  It has been a pleasant fund-raiser for the fan club on several occasions. 

image Linda LeVine admires her Barbara Beall book from the silent auction while Roger Tappan draws another winning ticket in the raffle. Link to book is www.authorhouse.com or phone 888.280.7715.  ISBN #1-4208-1208-4 (softcover.) Title is The Legacy – A Fifty Year Tribute (1994 – 2005) by Barbara Inman Beall, Ph.D.

image  Phil Zeigler won this poster and re-donated it to the club, since he has one already.  Another lucky winner walked away with it.

image  There is no next!  Go to the index for this event, image
or sink into the index for Deaners.net, www.deaners.net

Link to pictures of David Loehr’s James Dean Gallery and Museum:

Link to the Fan Club:  James Dean Remembered fan club, www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/

Webmistress Sandra Weinhardt, [email protected] , creator of www.deaners.net