Druelinger Family Reunion 2000

small logoUpdated 17 September 2006.      URL is www.tentativetimes.net/nostalgia/drueling.html

Druelinger Family Reunion, 2000


Sy Maximus Riggs
The Newest Druelinger

The reunion pictures are still on this page, farther down.
Here are four pictures of Dax and Angie’s new son, Sy. Gloria, use these for your web page. Sy is the great-grandson of Travis Odelia Druelinger and great-great grandson of Bert Druelinger, and great-great-great grandson of Amos Druelinger.

Dax holds Sy

Angie and Sy  

Gloria and Sy

Top photo, Dax and Sy. Second photo is Angie with Sy.  The fifth picture is my sister Gloria, Dax’s mother, with baby Sy.
If you came here from Dax’s band page, here is the link back
We now return you to your regular life. Thank you for visiting. The reunion photos are next on this page

How this rowdy crowd is related

nce upon a time, Dicey Ann Lee Druelinger and her husband Amos had a batch of cute kids named Bill, Bert, Clyde, John and Mandy (Amanda.) Here is a record of what some of their descendants have been up to lately.

anna      Say hello to Anna and Charles Walruff’s son Billy from Florida.

        Here’s a record of a wonderful small-town get-together. Almost all of our relatives live in fairly small towns, and Nostalgia is a magazine about small-town life. Our reunion took place at Lincoln State Park in Spencer County, Indiana, way south on the Ohio River. It was my first time at a Druelinger reunion, so I spent the time trying to learn names and relationships. (We forgot to have nametags.) Send me email at to add or to correct names!

Linda, this page is for you. We’re sorry you couldn’t come this year, and we hope you are feeling better down there in Texas.

Be sure to see page two after you see this page. I made this as a table, so if you maximize your browser window, it will look much better.

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1. Clyde Druelinger organized the reunion. You will meet his wife Mary and several of their children and some grandchildren in these pictures.
Clyde Druelinger
2. Mary Hoosier Druelinger, Clyde’s wife, mother of almost everyone at the reunion! Well, it seemed like that.
Mary Druelinger
3. Steve in the black shirt is a youth pastor in Memphis TN. Larry and his wife Linda Marie are both with a hospital in Chicago. The little boy is Larry and Linda’s son Tristan, I think. The fellow on the left I didn’t meet. Don Druelinger Jr., in the striped shirt, is on page 2.
Clyde and Mary
4. Thanks to the internet, John Druelinger and his wife Anna are farther along with their geneology. Anna has been writing up Druelingers for ten years, and today they came from St. Louis to meet a new branch of us. John has searched for Druelingers all his life, to little avail. John has a brother, George Druelinger, in Tulsa (or is it Phoenix now?) Their grandfather came from Indiana or northern Kentucky out to Madrid, MO. We are seeking the exact connection. John’s email doesn’t work anymore.

Anna’s family name is Koester (Altnether??) and she has four times as much genealogy on them as on the Druelingers. We are talking giant notebooks here!

John Druelinger
5. The children swam, ate, hiked, ran about, napped, played horseshoes and blew wonderful bubbles. Even the youngest, Hannah, was happy as a clam. The children found mussels, tadpoles, frogs, fish and more at the edge of the lake. The only tears were the result of bumps from falling down. It was a magically happy day, and we need to do this more often
bubble fun
6. These fellows played a game like horseshoes only they used washers, and a board with holes in it, instead of a stake. My sister said she thinks this is a Hoosier invention. From left to right, Courtney Druelinger (?), Matt Stevens (married and living in the Chicago area,) Aaron Stevens, (ten year old brother of Matt and Nate,) and Norman Stevens (Nathan’s son.) Norman and his wife Kendra will have the newest Druelinger, a baby boy, Eric, around August 4, 2000.
playing game
7. Very important, the cooks corner. Two brothers in-law, Gary Campbell in yellow and Roger Wood in the hat, husbands of Sandy (Druelinger) Campbell and Margaret (Hoosier) Wood, cooked BBQ chicken, pasta with tomato sauce, smoked sausage with tomato sauce, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans and other sides. Others of us brought giant platters of fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, chicken and dumplings, dressing, broccoli rice casserole and fine desserts. Norman Stevens made two chocolate pies. His wife Kendra made a jello cake. We had cherry delight too. That commedian in the middle is Clarence Hoosier who is Mary Druelinger’s brother. Gary and Sandra have a daughter, Sheila Madura.
2 cooks
8. It was late, and I hadn’t met this family. The children’s names are Alissa on the left, Brooklyn whose elbow you can see next to her mom, and China in the black top. There is a fourth daughter whose name I need…. These are Don Druelinger Jr’s kids and grandkids. His father is Donald too. (Donald Sr. is Clyde Jr’s brother) I think we need a chart here! Help!
Alissa and family
9. Three of Clyde and Mary’s children, Steve of Memphis, TN, Larry (Chicago) and Connie Pierson (of Baroda, Michigan) Everyone was polite and hospitable, warm and genuine.
Steve, Larry and Connie.


See Page Two now for more photos of relatives.

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All errors are the fault of the Druelinger named Sandra Weinhardt. Using the numbers on the captions, so she can figure out what she should do, straighten her out at [email protected]

My main effort is Our Tentative Times