Dedicating James Dean Memorial Park, 1995

Dedicating James Dean Memorial Park, 1995

     Updated 18 November 1999 1999.      URL is
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Dedication of the Fairmount James Dean Park

Pictures and captions by Cleve Porter

Cleve Porter has been kind enough to share his best photos from his trip to Fairmount for the 1995 dedication of the park on Main Street. Deaners e-zine is grateful for the chance to bring this historic dedication to you. Here is what Cleve saved….

The memorial service took place in Back Creek Friends Meeting as it does every year on September 30. Here’s artist and sculptor Kenneth Kendall with Cleve Porter.

After the service, Marcus Winslow, Jimmy’s friend Lew Bracker, Frank Mazzola who played "Crunch" in RWAC, Bob Pulley (and Phil Ziegler’s sleeve.)

Lew Bracker, Frank Mazzola, Bob Pulley, Marcus Winslow and Phil Ziegler. Lew later told me at the cemetery that he and Jimmy preacticed driving fast on Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles. Frank was surprised that I knew he lived in a very large, beautiful house in 1955. Don’t ask me why I remembered that fact. I don’t know.

That’s Phil Ziegler’s 1950 dark green Mercury in front of the church. When Phil bought the car, a document showed that the original owner had purchased a new battery on September 30, 1955! Phil told me that Ann Doran who played Jimmy’s mother in RWAC, rode in this car in 1985 and her cigarette ashes were still in the ashtray, and they would stay there forever.

     Look-a-like Lance Stell.

Lance with Bob Hinkle who taught Jimmy to rope for his role in GIANT. (Lance gave Cleve this picture.)

     Jimmy’s headstone on September 30, 1995.

Remember Dennis Stock’s picture of Jimmy walking down this sidewalk with the unique architecture over his right shoulder in February 1955 in JAMES DEAN REVISITED? (Here’s Cleve in the same spot.)

Kenneth Kendall at the park dedication, with the sculpture he made of Jimmy.

Autographs on the program include Lew Bracker, Marcus Winslow, Frank Mazzola and Leith Adams who worte JAMES DEAN: BEHIND THE SCENE.

Cleve has more photos of other events in Fairmount. I hope to be able to bring those to you too, in the new year of 2000.

Here’s a link back to the Contents of DEANERS e-zine.

This page made by the redhead, Sandra Weinhardt. Send corrections to her at [email protected]
and be **sure** to include which **exact** page you refer to. I won’t know otherwise.

The contents and photos of this particular page are ©copyright 1999 by Cleve Porter, all rights reserved.