David Loehr’s First James Dean Fan Tribute Weekend (1998)

        Updated 7 July 1999 URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/fanweek/index.html
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1999 Fan Weekend

Author Pamela DesBarres enjoyed David Loehr’s 1999 Fan Appreciation Weekend in Fairmount Indiana. It started on Friday, July 2 and continued through Saturday. Be sure to come to Fairmount if you can get there for this friendly get-together, next year. Dinner and Dean videos Friday night at the Lion’s Club in Fairmount. Banquet in Marion at the Hostess House on Saturday, and the world famous James Dean Jeopardy Contest at noon on Saturday.

Here are the pages planned for the 1999 Fan Appreciation Weekend’s pictures:

At the Gallery Friday
At the Dinner Friday
At the Gallery Saturday
The Jeopardy-style trivia contest

Look for pictures on-line within two weeks. I’ll put the links here and on the main James Dean index page.

David Loehr’s First Annual Fan Appreciation Weekend,
July 3-5, 1998

Adam Pelletier, Lyndon Biegas and Mark Royse pose for this cover shot. Did you see Mark in that James Dean story on cable TV’s Strange Universe
David Loehr, Archivist of the James Dean Memorial Gallery in Fairmount Indiana hosted a memorable weekend for all Dean fans. This celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of We Remember Dean International, the WRDI fan club co-founded by Silvia Bongiovanni and Bill Lewis, rocked Fairmount and Marion Indiana over the Fourth of July weekend.

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Events included a BBQ with a dance (featuring the BEL AIRS) and fireworks on Friday night, July 3rd, and a banquet in Marion on Saturday night. There was a Jeopardy-style contest on Saturday at the Lion’s Club building, with all questions based on Dean lore, a duel to the death among the many fans who expected to win. All contestants will probably have to be checked for arms next year before the contest!! (I’m **kidding**, good grief.) Whoa, the rivalry will reach an all-time high in the history of fandom. Phil Ziegler has issued a challenge to 1998 Champion Mark (Big Gulp) Kinnaman.

Mark Kinnaman, Bernie Racinowski and Joe Schulte, the three most knowlegeable contestants, were stumped several times by Lenny Prussack’s wonderful selection of questions. An audience member or two was able to come up with most of the hardest answers, but the hardest part was thinking up a name while under the gun. We all had so much fun!!

Adam Pelletier stood in for Vanna White who was otherwise occupied.

Sunday found us remarkably well-behaved as guests at Back Creek Friends Church and brunch. No lightning struck the church when we walked in, but a tornado warning on Friday night caused a great deal of excitement and inconvenience in Fairmount. Sirens, confusion, decisions on whether to go to a basement, and storms from Hell. And that was only **inside** The Palace. (Just kidding.)

Also book signings by Bob Reese and Jim Courtney, visits with artist Kenneth Kendall and the grand occasion of the launching of Laura Pardini’s book about James Dean. Laura signed copies of her book, published just the fourth week of June, 1998.

This is the first Dean book written by a woman!
Read all about Laura Pardini’s James Dean Book with my notice translated into Spanish, German, French, Portugese and Italian.

For next year we are promised another wonderful annual fan weekend. Write to David Loehr, P.O. Box 55, 425 North Main Street, Fairmount In 46928. Phone (765) 948-3326, Fax (765) 948-3389. Email [email protected]     The James Dean Memorial Gallery website will have the best details.

Logo graphics by Mark K. Kinnaman, artist to the fans.

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Links to Deaner Pages

Want to go back up to the Fan Week Table?

James Dean Pages
1998’s June event, the Dean-themed Rockabilly Rebel Weekend #6
The Mercurys at the James Dean Run car show in Fairmount, Indiana. Info on how to register has just been added.
Tell-Mama music magazine
You can go to the cover of Our Tentative Times any time.

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