2005 James Dean Junior Lookalike Contest, Fairmount Indiana
Updated October 8, 2005 URL is www.tentativetimes.net/05fhm/jla2.html
September 24, 2005
James Dean Junior Lookalike Contest
2005 James Dean Festival
Fairmount, Indiana
#11 is Byron Bradbury of Terre Haute. Hmmm, wonder where his first name comes from!
James Byron Dean, perhaps?
The cutie with the motorcycle is # 17, Joshua Kinkaid, whereabouts unknown.
#8 is Christian Aldrich of Crossville TN, age 6.
#9 is Andrew Aldrich of Crossville, age 5. The are brothers.
Bet this #22 is Max Moser, age and town not listed. Or maybe Teagan Lundy?
#5 is Spencer Wells, a finalist from Louisville, KY. He’s nine, the same age as Jimmy when he came back from California to live in Fairmount. In this picture he looks as sad as Jimmy was at that time too.
#18 is Clayton McCorkle, age and town unknown.
# 17, Joshua Kinkaid And in the yellow coat, #13, Jack Holderman, age 2, from Swayzee IN.
#14, previous winner Daryen Carothers, age 6, from Marion IN.
Stage manager Eric Draper calms the contestants who are jittery.
The right coach makes a difference for any contestant.
#1 is Takota Lundy, age 4, from Anderson IN. See his brother Teagan Lundy on the first page.
Here’s PAGE ONE of the junior lookalike contestHere’s a link back to the index for this spectacular James Dean weekender
Here’s a link back to the deaners.net index
Here’s the CMG’s James Dean website
Page made by Sandra Weinhardt, creator of www.deaners.net email [email protected]