2004 James Dean Festival Stalwarts

2004 James Dean Festival Stalwarts

logo     Updated September 29, 2004
     URL is www.tentativetimes.net/04fest/04faces.html

James Dean Festival Stalwarts
 (Fairmount Museum Days)
September 2004
 Fairmount, Indiana

There are so many people in the small town of Fairmount who make the Festival work.  There are the Fairmount Historical Museum members, Marcus Winslow and his family, the contest judges, the newspapers that spread the word, the booking agents, the brunch servers at Back Creek Friends Meeting House, David Loehr and Lenny at The Gallery and Rebel Rebel, the stage people….  They all put in exhausting hours.  We owe them our utmost thanks.  Here are a few pictures.

Christy and Bob Berry own Daddy-O’s Retro Clothing Store.  In 2003 and again this year Christy ran a fashion show on stage before the dance contest.  This main stage is on Main Street.  It has bleachers on one side of the parking lot.  The rest of the space is for standing or for bringing your own chairs.  The large crowd loved Christy’s show.  (I missed it, stuck in traffic.)

  David Loehr opened his new Gallery/Museum at the Gas City exit, #59, off I-69 in Grant County, Indiana.  Be sure to stop there every time you drive near it.  The building is beautiful, the staff is friendly and knowledgeable and the collections are amazing.  There is a theatre with continuous James Dean footage showing.  (Link to website is below.)

     Fred Stephenson of Fairmount, The Bopper, DJs and M.C.s  the stage events on Saturday.  It’s hard work, and he sings too.  His song about James Dean will be used for the soundtrack of the new documentary film being made by a group of German citizens here for the festival.  His backup singers will sing half a dozen songs with him at the extra-special 50th Anniversary Festival September 2005.  Hint: Ask Jake Roth where the lead singer was when it was time to sing this year. 

Fred with the 2003 Junior Lookalike winner, Trei Pelletier.

Pamela Crawford of Little Rock, Arkansas,  is President of James Dean International fan club.  She writes and edits the DeanZine, an amazing product.  She’s planning something here with Phil Zeigler, Marcus Winslow’s right-hand man and a devoted Dean fan since he first saw Rebel Without A Cause in Philadelphia.

  Eric Draper has the downtown main tent on his shoulders, and the sound system too.  I wonder what other hats he wears? 

Let’s not forget the Indianapolis-based Cluster Busters Car Club  that brings us the 2500 car James Dean Run.  I have the pictures ready to make into pages………..soon!

  Mark Kinnaman built the parade float this year for Back Creek Friends Meeting.  A few years ago, Mark moved to Fairmount, his ambition since he was a pre-teen.  He works at Daddy-Os and is a friend to all the Deaners.  Mark always has a helping hand.
(Website link below.)  Mark is the ultimate Fairmount booster.  Mark made my logo and the one on this shirt. Visit his interesting website!

That’s all folks, for now.  I’m off to make the car show pages, and tomorrow (9-30-2004) is the Memorial Service: brunch is 11:30 to 1:00 at Back Creek.  Memorial service at 1:00 followed by the walk to the cemetery led by Nicky Bazooka.   See you there.

1. Click here to go to the index for the 2004 James Dean Festival pages
2. David Loehr’s Grand Opening for the new Gallery is on ten Deaners pages here
3. Visit Shirts and More by Lenny of New York
4. Daddy-O’s website
5. Mark Kinnaman’s website

logo www.Deaners.net

These pages are made by the exhausted webmaven, Sandra Weinhardt. Email me at editor@tentativetimes.net
Be sure to give me the URL (page address) you refer to because otherwise I can’t find anything.
All errors are my own; be gentle.