James Dean Fans, June 2005 DeanFest, Marion Indiana, page 1

James Dean Fans, June 2005 DeanFest, Marion Indiana, page 1

logo  Updated August 11, 2005   URL is /junefest/galry1.html

Fans at James Dean Gallery and DeanFest, 6-2005, page 1


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Did you notice their James Dean purses?  These fans rock!

image Happy to have squashed his heart attack, this man is enjoying his recent retirement. So is his wife. image
Nancy from Virginia has belonged to the fan club since Silvia Bongiovanni first was President.  Brian Burke and Frank Mazzola visit with her.


Without David Loehr, there would be no Gallery, no fan appreciation weekend, no feast for the birthday party, no beds on the floor for stranded travelers,  no gathering “home” for Deaners and very little fun.

Debbie Collinson and her Freddie.

Kurt Whirl (Florida and Kokomo) with a new fan from New York and rock lasso virtuoso Scott Imfeldt (New York.).  Missing from this group is Adam Pelletier,  otherwise occupied with basic training as a happy Army recruit.  We miss you Adam.  Live strong!

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Sheryl with the camera has a vintage clothing business in Fort Wayne.  I think she sells the clothes on the internet.

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Catchy outfits at DeanFest.  The Segway is the perfect transportation for events!  Is the rider wearing a Lenny shirt


image  image A very knowledgeable fan from California, friend of Kenneth Kendall and his friends too.  Fan club member, natch.
Bill Weinhardt (Indiana) visits with great fan Sesu Coleman of Indianapolis. Bill’s holding the catalog for Daddy-O’s nostalgia store. See it on the web



Link to pictures of David Loehr’s James Dean Gallery and Museum:

Link to the Fan Club:  James Dean Remembered fan club, www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/

image will go on as usual, with the Lions Club car show on Thursday night, Sept. 22.  The regular car show will also go on as usual all weekend.
For Thursday night’s car show information, contact Lion Jake Roth

Webmistress, writer, photographer and editor: Sandra Weinhardt, editor@tentativetimes.net, creator of http://www.deaners.net/  and www.tentativetimes.net